- 2024. január 25.
In June 16-17th 2023 we realized the Our Common Power international conference. This event is a continuation of the Our Common City conference, that we held on two previous occasions...
If you experience systemic injustice that you wish to understand better and take long-term action against, our free and open program on social inequality and civil rights are for you.
If you are a member of a group, movement or NGO working for social justice, we offer a range of interactive training and professional materials on advocacy, group building, activism, critical pedagogy and communication.
If you want a better insight into topics such as activism, movement building or social inequalities, our film clubs, discussions and, publications are for you!
participants yearly
returning participants
organizations yearly
participants outside of Budapest
You contribute to a just Hungary where everyone has the knowledge and skills to stand up for their interests
You help the development of the movements and civil society in Hungary
You support the sustainability and accessibility of our trainings
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